Das Bali-Gästebuch

Eintrag Nr. 2
von : Sebastian
aus : Hamburg, Germany
am/um : Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2010 / 08:52:53 Uhr (GMT)
Homepage : Bali Reisen
Hi there, does anyone of you have an idea what happened to Dreamlands? Is it true that there is a hotel build up straight on the beach? Can`t believe this!
Eintrag Nr. 1
von : Lozach
aus : france
am/um : Freitag, 14. August 2009 / 11:19:52 Uhr (GMT)
Homepage : lozachmicheline@hotmail.fr
hello what price for location studio for 2 nights? in september? Thank you
Please have a look at the ▶ Sofia Mythos Beach web site. It has a rates calculator.